The Only Beauty Antiaging and Aesthetics Center has been a pioneer in the field of beauty since 1983. Armed with modern technology, expertise, continuous training and many years of experience, we provide high-quality antiaging and beauty services to you and your loved ones in a friendly and family environment…
Since the beginning of our operation, we have had the sole goal of the excellent quality of the services we offer, the continuous updating and development of our treatments and machines, and the proper training of our staff.
There are no packages and programs here! Depending on the needs of each person, we make the personal combinations of treatments and machines necessary to get the desired result quickly and economically.
We relax, discharge the mind, eliminate anxiety and stress, so that the body is freed and returns to its normal functioning.
Only Beauty is the only fully specialized and equipped antiaging and beauty center in the area, for women and men.
In our place there are all the latest treatments for the face and body such as: ems, cryolipolysis, fractional radio frequencies, plasma light, impact ultrasound, mesotherapy without injections, lipodialysis with ultrasound, laser hair removal, dermabrasion, etc.
At the same time, there is a fully equipped treatment department for the extremities and nails, specializing in organic permanent manicures, therapeutic dry pedicures, podiatry, semi-permanent manicures, etc.
You will also find professional cosmetics for face, body care and make-up, etc.
We look forward to seeing you in person….
Mikaelina Grana
Iota Psegiannakis – Grana